
Lol Jokes

Imagine there’s a funny joke here..imagined it? Great! Now check yourself into an insane asylum cause you’re schizophrenic.(This is my joke, I came up with it myself, anybody else who has said it said it after me, it’s important to me lol because I came up with it)

jimmy does stand up comedy he says “what do you call an orangutang”

jake replies “YOU” then everyone including the teacher laughs jimmy cries


True story in 1986in the midst of the HIV epidemic they made condoms.available to the public at that time me and my boyfriend were 13 years old my boyfriend was so happy these will make great water balloons and I was even happier I did not have to pack.a.lunch for school tomorrow lol

What do a mole and a eagle have in common? They live under ground except the eagle. Lol. .

I wondered y there was red all over my bathroom til I found out tht my sis had dyed her hair red man it looked like somebody dyed in there! lol

What do trans men and Pinocchio have in common?

Both are lying when they say "I'm a real boy"

(I'm a trans man myself lol)

Stacy:: honey I'm kinda new to texting what does lol mean?

Justin: I'm not sure, lots of love I guess

Margert: Stacy are you there, I don't know if you heard but Amber and her 3 kids were killed in a car crash this morning I'm in total shock

Stacy: lol