Your mama is so short, she does backflips under her bed.
Little Johnny got a train set for Christmas. He takes it around the circle, parks it at the station, and says” alright, you motherfuckers get off here, and you motherfuckers get off here” his mom comes rushing in and says” little Johnny, we don’t use that kind of language, go to your room and think about what you did!” After a few hours, she lets him out of his room. He goes back to play with his train set. He takes it around the circle, parks it at the station, and says,” ok, you guys get off here, and you guys get off here. And if you have any complaints about the two hour delay, take it up with the bitch in be kitchen”
I call my dad a motherfucker because he fucked his mom
Teacher:what does a pig give you Little Johnny:Bacon Teacher:good,what does the sheep give you Little Johnny:Wool Teacher:What does the fat cow give you Little Johnny:homework and says leave motherfucker
Oh, fuckshit, bitch, damn cocksucker Pussy, asshole, cunt Mother fuckin' dirty whore, shat onto my lunch Pisscunt, damn bitch, suck my dick Jesus Harold Christ Shit bitch, cocksucker, Goddamn motherfucker, pussy, asshole cunt
What do you call a white guy with a 10 inch cock? Asleep. Because that motherfucker's dreaming.
i have an announcement, shadow the hedgehog is a bitch ass motherfucker he pissd on my fucking wife and he said he dick was this big and i said that's disgusting so im making a callout post on my twitter dot com shadow u got a small dick it looks like this walnut except way smaller
I asked my kid to give me a hand that motherfucker cried while charging his mechanical arm
What do you call people who have an Oedipus complex?.
What do you call 2 Latinos playing baseball hwone on hwone
teahcer:what does a cow say. Susie:moo. teacher:good now what does a duck say. jimmy:the duck goes quack. teacher: now what does a pig say. little jonny: a pig says get up agaist the wall you black motherfucker
What did the parents rearrange the furniture to punish a child guess he was a stupid blind motherfucker🖕that didn't even know how to use a cane to figure out where they put the furniture
what happens when theres ten people innone house and they all have to shit and theres one bathroom?
its a motherfucking shitz party
¿Qué hizo el cartero enojado?
Estampado su feeeeeeet !!!
Jordan motherfucker ur face looks like slut and ur life is trash stop picking on kids and LEAVE THEM HELL ALONE!
p=person (not original ''pun'')
p1:hey girl p2: i got a bf! p1: well i got a lamborghini aventador, a bugatti super sports, a yacht and a private plane. p2: bf stand for breakfast. p2: oh and also where did you get all that stuff? p1:gta5 p2: you motherfucker!!! (communications with this person are now blocked)
All you pro life christian motherfuckers can go die lol
Timmy: stupid motherfucker Jimmy: wow, do you kiss your mother with that mouth Timmy: starts crying Jimmy: ah fuck I did it again
What's Osama bin Laden's favorite song?
Under The Sea!!!!! Under The Sea!!! - The Little Mermaid
Get it ;) Dead ass motherfucker