
Last Jokes

Mum finds out child cheats in math test. Mom says " there is no cheating in this house". Child " then why did you cheat with my math teacher last night? "

There is no way you can fit in there.

Says who?

Your mom.


Last night.


A king ordered to executed a gay man. The gay man came and he said "please don't behead me have pitty". King replied " I will have pitty because I will implale you lets you enjoy your last moments".

Last week I went on a whale watch.

After everyone had piled onto a boat, they loaded the boat onto a trailer and drove to your house

A man is about to be hanged. His executioner asks for his last words. The man says: “Man, it’s hard to think of something when your life is on the line.”

Whats the difference between a wanted person and a wanted handicapped person, the handicapped person wasn’t last seen on foot.

Last night I had sex and she said stop talking about shit omg and I made her scream so loud she said her balls Hurt...

There were three woman, one was curvy in all the right places, one was skinny but had a booty on her, and last but not least there’s one that has a BBL.. Then comes in a famous rapper guess which one he picked ???