
Kid Jokes

Boy: Have you heard of the cool kid who just told us he had autism Teacher: What? Boy: Well... Never mind, he's well supported

When a kid says "I'm a pedophile" it means that he has a crush on one of his classmates.

When an adult says it; he is accused as a rapper.

What happened when a kid bullied an orphan? The orphan said I’m going to tell my mom Bully:I wanna see your mom Narrator:at that moment he new he messed up

This was my friends joke he wanted me to post;)

When a homeless kid goes to school and the teacher says you have homework tonight he said sorry teach I don't got a home

dad: what do ou call a crazy creeper

mom: shit idontknow... kid: crrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr dad: tahtsmy bnoys!!!

A kid named billy get his lunch money stolen at school. The bully later gets his allowance, the lunch money and his wallet taken by his father. The father then gets all the money taken from his by the bully’s grandfather along with is own wallet. The grandfather then takes the money and gets it stolen by billy along with his own wallet.

Stranger: Knock Knock Person Who's there? Stranger: Sugma Person: Sugma who? Stranger: SUGMA BALLS KID