A autistic kid
When u see a kid yelling and u wanna leave :((((((((
what does Joe Biden call a room full of kids, a toy room.
what in the world jumps the highest? emo kids, some of them are still in the air.
i saw a kid in a wheelchair and i screamed EXTREME PARKOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!
imagine if the kid in a wheelchair was in fast and furious his wheelchair is the only one that keeps him going
I put this joke so theamout of jokes wil be 69 also i have 50 kids in my basement i fed "twinkes" last night
. What sexual position produces the ugliest kids? Ask your mum!
What did MC Hammer say to Michael Jackson?
"U Can't Touch Kids."
Q: Why can kids relate to dogs? A: they are noticed for 13 years then left for noone to touch again.
Why do so many kids die in school shootings ? Because you're not allowed to run in the corridors
an emo kid sees his clothes hanging to dry and he says to his clothes"i wish i were you"
the emo kid's mom went to jail cuz the kid was hung
how much emo kids dos it take to screw in a light blub. none they just sit in the dark and cry
A missionary went to visit an orphanage in Thailand. After looking around, he asked the manager, "Why do these kids have numbers instead of names on their shirts? And why are some of them the same?" The manager smiled and said, "Those are price tags."
there was one kid that came home from school and asked his mom what dark humor was? she said well son do you see that guy over there across the road, go give him a high-five. Son said but I can't see. mom said that's the point
Why do orphans like boomerang more then there parents? The boomerang comes back
One day I saw a kid cry so I go. Let's go find your parents. I miss my job at the orphanage
why do orphans get lost on boats? They can't find the home room
Wa do u call a kid in a hot tub Vegetable soup
What has eight legs and leaves kids alone? The Jackson 4
an emo kid and a silent kid would be a good acatiance because the emo would wish to die and the silent kid would be the nice guine and grant that wish