
Isnt Jokes

I know this isn't an orphan joke, but I didn't know where to say it, so yeah.

I threw a nut at the allergy table and screamed, "YES, TRIPLE KILL!"

This isn't an orphan joke, but I got a job at a library, but it only lasted 15 minutes. Turns out, books about women’s rights shouldn’t go in the Sci-Fi / Fantasy section.

By the way, this isn't a joke or a poem. I just want to say, please check out Gwen's puns. They're good!

This isn't a joke, I repeat, this is not a joke. The plane in Lake Harriet is not in the lake. It is invisible because of the satellite pic, so there's no plane in Lake Harriet.

Ok, i found this off of an internet meme, this isnt original:

*grabbing kid* Harambe: ok kid, i dont have much time, but obama's last name is- *gunshot*

what goes in and comes out and makes you feel good but isnt sexual ( insulin ) for more of these jokes go to

Some kid: Hey, did you know there's an orphanage down the street?!

Me: NO WAY! Wanna check it out?


Me: Haunted my ass, let's go!

Kid: Wait, isn't your house also haunted???

Me: Yea

A bicurious man goes to a gay bar.

A gay man offers him a drink.

The bi man explains he doesn't know if he's gay or not.

"That's fine," he says, "let's just have a drink."

The gay man asks him for a dance, and he explains again he isn't sure if he's gay or not.

Eventually, the gay man invites him to go home with him to hang out as friends.

They get to his house, and the gay man says, "Do you fancy having sex?"

He isn't sure, so the gay man explains, "I'll push in slow, and at any point you want to stop, make animal sounds, and if you like it, start singing."

So they get to it, and the gay man pushes in slowly, the bi man bursts out "MOOOOO MOOOOO MOOOOOOVVVEE CCLOSSEEERRRR"