whats the difference between my arm and my stomach???? my stomach isnt ripped
whats the difference between my hand and my blade? my hand isnt sharp
dont worry stephen hawking isnt dead. they have just got to copy and paste his memory onto a usb.
what do you call a dog with no legs? It dosent matter what you call him,he isnt coming.
This is a joke to tell to someone with you or something, SOMEONE will laugh. Say: This word isnt gonna be funny until i tell you, your probably not going to laugh. *your friend* whats the word? *you* finger *friend* *dies of laughter*. *note* it works better if you wiggle your finger or something before and not every one laughs, so dont feel bad if they dont. Also dont be surprized if you get put in jail for murder, because your going to kill someone with this.
proof that 9/11 isnt a government plot
it worked
wait isnt this sans job to make a joke?
when your sitting in class and the quiet kid yells lovely day isnt it ... and u see a Glock shape in his pocket
my ceiling fan isnt the only thing thats going to be hanging tonight
quin loves robin all he says is robin this isnt a joke quins gay
stephen hawkng isnt dead his update is just laggy because he is too far from the wifi box
When I was little I used to think that the people in cartoons were real people..until I turned 7 I realized that it was just people doing voices..sad isnt it
I know this isnt the real chicken wing song but my version...
chicken wing chicken wing i want your mommy slap her with my hary salami while she still yawning.
making your own chicken wing song and put it in the comments... :)
im really bored and idk wut up with prince he isnt talking to me. and freshfry y u so mean now??
this isnt a joke i just want to spread awareness of anatidaephobia
little johnny's mom got a call from school saying to come over, as she dose she is met by the principal. they go into his office and the principal say "your son is going to be suspended for a week for blowing clouds in the bathroom." the mother responds "he is fifteen, how is he blowing clouds already? bring him in here." a boy walks in and johnnys mother says "this isnt my son, bring him in here i would like a word with him." the principal replies "ma'am, this is clouds." the mother feints
Ok this is a texting joke this isnt my joke found it on google Mom:SON YOURE G-MOM JUST PASSED AWAY lol Son:mom how is that funny?!?! i hope ur not laughing MOm:OH NO I THOUGHT LOL MEANT LAUGHING OUT LOUD