I went to school with a gay guy who was really smart, but he always got mad that he got straight A's instead of getting all the D's.
Really gotta love all the morons who, instead of sharing irreverent dark jokes, say the stupidest shit pertaining to Christianism.
This dad went out hunting, he killed a deer. He came home and he and his wife decided to have it for dinner but not tell their kids. Instead, they made them guess. The dad said, "It's something that daddy calls mommy." The little girl yells to her brother, "Don't eat it! It's an ass!"
Never break someone's heart, they only have one. Break their bones instead, they have 206 of them.
My ex-boyfriend's dick is so small that instead of giving him a handjob, I had to give him a thumb and forefinger job.
Stephen Hawking's death was simply an accident. He pressed power off instead of sleep mode.
Why isn’t the word orphan spelled with a f instead of ph because that f stands for family and the word orphan doesn’t have a family
You are so fat that the waiter said to you everytime: 'sorry for your weight' instead of 'sorry for the wait'
Today is Good Friday, so there will be no meat for us to eat. Instead we have to do what lesbians do and eat fish.
The greatest doctor, smartest man, young geek, and inspiring preacher are on a plane. The pilot dies of a heart attack and is confirmed by the doctor. But, there are only 3 parachutes on the plane. The doctor takes one and says,
"People need me for my excellent medicine!" and jumps out. The smart man grabs one and shouts,
"People are in need of my great knowledge!" and jumps out. There is only one more parachute on the plane. The preacher says to the geek,
"You are too young. Take the final parachute and go." The geek instead says,
"No, there are two parachutes left, the 'smart' one took my backpack."
Yo momma so stupid...weather man says it chilli outside....instead of a jacket..She gets a bowl and spoon!!!
When you go to Incestry.com instead of Ancestry.com
McDonald's was originally called 'Mac and Dick', so, if you think about it, you could be enjoying a Big Dick instead of a Big Mac.
one day a couple was walking when the man stepped on something hard and squishy then they heard a sound from the bushes, instead of looking down they both ran.
two years later they turned on the TV to find Ted Bundy on trial they asked him if he has ever been caught he said "No but a couple was walking as soon as i killed a girl i jumped into a bush they didnt know i was there but the man stepped on the dead body but didn't look down then he and his girlfriend ran."
What does it mean when a man sits on a boulder instead of on the ground?
A bolder choice.
What will die immediately instead of having to suffer torture on the spike of a Judas cradle? A Geometry Dash icon.
Don’t have a bike? You can mount me instead.
A missionary went to visit an orphanage in Thailand. After looking around, he asked the manager, "Why do these kids have numbers instead of names on their shirts? And why are some of them the same?"
The manager smiled and said, "Those are price tags."
Bro, the US keeps bullying the UK because the queen died, and do you know the meme "No Bitches?" Yeah, they put "No Queen" instead. And guess what? The UK replied this time and said, "No Towers?" I was shocked. UK's most devious lick.
The next time I knock on your door, I'll hit you instead of the door.