
Home Jokes

I come in from work to see my wife dead on the sofa. As I unzip for one last ride she says BOO! What kind of a dick fuck does that!

What does a orphan have that a homeless doesn’t?

A home but what does a homeless person have that orphans don’t?

A parent

I have double standards, burn a body at a crematorium and you're being a respectful friend; do it at home and you're destroying evidence.

An Orphan walks into a bar and The bartender says "buddy you have to go home" the orphan replies " where is home"

A pregnant wife and her husband were in a hospital as she was in labour, the doctor suggested using a machine that transfers the birth pains from the mother to the father, they agree so the machine is used, 40%, the husband feels nothing, 70% still not felling anything, 100%, nothing. The doctor says it must be broken. When the pair return home, the milkman is dead in the front yard.

Orphan:I wish to be like batman

Genie:Your wish is granted Orphan goes home his parents are dead