So Helen Keller walked into a bar, then a stool, then a table, then a door....
What's Helen Kellers favourite colour? Corduroy.
Why did Helen Keller have no ornaments on her Christmas tree? Cause she always dropped them.
What do Helen Keller and orphans have in common? neither of them can see or hear their parents
when Helen Keller drives a car people call here Asian
Why did Helen Keller fail school she was bad at language
How did Helen Keller die? Her ex gave her plutonium and told her to eat it
Why did Helen Keller walk in on someone in the bathroom? Because she didn’t know it was the bathroom
What happens when Helen Keller picks her nose?
She slurs her words...
I wrote this joke in the 1970s sometime in Denver, Co CAL - 2021 - Orlando, Fl
Playing hide n seek with Helen Keller wasn’t the best idea you’ve had all day
Q: why cant helen keller drive? A: because shes a woman
I told this knock knock joke to Helen Keller...
Me: Knock Knock Her:
I gave helen keller an oculus and airpods for her 12th birthday and she hated them and me.
What did Helen Keller say when she jumped off a bridge, "(sign language)"
What did Helen Keller's mother do to her when she was mad at her? She left the plunger in the toilet she put door knobs on all the walls and she rearranged the furniture
What is the definition of "Endless Love"? Answer; Helen Keller and Stevie Wonder playing "Tennis"!
What was Helen Keller favorite game when she was a kid I spy
How did Helen Keller dance? Very Bad How did Helen Keller drew? With her hand
Have you ever seen Helen Keller's dog? Neither has she.