Why is it hard to break up with a Japanese girl?
Because you have to drop the bomb twice for her to get it.
A man is talking to his doctor after undergoing a whole range of tests to try and find out what’s wrong with him.
The doctor sits him down and says, “I’m so sorry to have to tell you this, but the results are back, and I’m afraid it’s fatal.”
“Oh no!” exclaims the man, “How long do I have?”
“Ten,” says the doctor.
“What, years? Months?!”
Why do more men than women support abortion? So they can keep raping women and the victims will just abort their kids to not have to relive the experience!
This is why orphans are dangerous with cardboard. They either start eating it or making it into a house and hallucinating that they have a family.
So I threw out the cardboard and said, "You have to stay in reality. Fantasies aren't real. You can't and will never get a home."
Next day, they make cardboard parents, so I threw that away and said, "Pay attention to reality; you will never get parents."
Next day, they start acting like parents and tell me what to do. Again, I said, "Snap to reality. You will never be a parent!" The orphan responded with, "Oh, really?! How so?" I just simply said, "You don't have a house and parents. You literally like eating cardboard, and then you make parents out of it. You like to eat old people!"
You have to be a good mom to be a MILF.
The double slit experiment shows light particles are a wave that assemble in your presence. And you didn't even have to say a word!
I hope you have to dip your Oreo’s in water because your dad never came back with the milk
I would make a rape joke, but I'd have to force it down your throat.
I'm so poor I have to put my Big Mac burger on layaway.