why does a leaf fall faster thanan emo kid because the emo hang itself
when someone throws something at your forehead it stops moving and goes into orbit around your forehead
What’s the difference between Isaac Newton and the kid I kidnapped? Isaac Newton died a virgin.
What's the difference between an emo kid and an apple, the apple falls from the tree
What holds the sun ☀️ up in the sky?
Why is a ball rolling when you put it on a hill? Because is circle
A feather and a depressed boy fell at the same time, which one hits the ground first? The feather cause the rope stopped the child
What hits the ground first the feather or the emo?
The feather because the emo is hung in the tree
If an apple and an emo kid fell out of a tree which would hit the ground first?
the apple, because the rope caught the emo kid
I lost a race with a handicapped person today. The problem was the race was all stairs.
Gravity sure is fast
whats the diffrant between stephen hawking and rocket league you cant stand up
what's the biggest problem with gravity it keeps putting people down
why is Beast Boy so good at flying? Terra hasn't forgiven him
my girlfriend has a huge crush on Jupiter, I mean she fell HARD!!!!
Even if there was no gravity, I'd still fall for you.
Why do planets circle the son?
Cuz they like the game of ring- around the- rosy.
Why does no-one look up at Steven hawking?
You have to look down to see him.
I wondered as the rock in the sky got bigger and bigger than it hit the bottom o f the earth and "explosion"
What falls and never gets hurt? Rain ☔️
Why did the astronaut return to Earth?
She went on her launch break! 🚀🥪😋