Why can’t an orphan play baseball?
He doesn’t know where home is
Happy land for kids Hello guys imagine if we had no school and we get to do whatever we want with out parents telling us what to do! What place would you want to call it and what would the fun things we get to do be? I would call "Happy world for kids". Leave a comment telling me what it be called! enjoy! :)
All these jokes make me laugh to death 💀
Skeleton puns? Nah...they aren't that humerus.
what do you call a funny family of chairs, a sitcom
All of you guys in this orphanage are ABCDEFGHIJK Whats that? said the orphans attractive brilliant cute darling ellegant funny georgeous and hot Whats the ijk Im just kidding🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Why is Stephen Hawking a bad influence to children?
Because he only looks one way when crossing the road
what is an orphan's favourite joke? yo mama jokes
I saw a kid crying i asked him whats wrong,where are your parents. They paused and looked at me funny... GOD I LOVE WORKING AT AN ORPHANAGE.
What do Time Clocks like to play? Tick Tock Toe.
One of the reasons the skeleton was not allowed to play church music is because he had no organs.
Y'all wanna hear a joke....... My life