Found Jokes

My builder was extending my basment when he questioned me because he found three ded kids n a corner tied together

history teacher: They had a temporary cure for the disease , but it would be years before the found a cure for life. Student: I need that.

I once met a skeleton, I asked if I could tell him a joke, he agreed, I told him it, he found it quite “humerus”.

I wondered y there was red all over my bathroom til I found out tht my sis had dyed her hair red man it looked like somebody dyed in there! lol

My wife is so fat. I finally got up the energy to walk around to the other side. I found someone else!

I once masturbated in the bathroom

I was looking for something, for a little help

Looked in the wardrobe And found something perfect.


(i found dis from a website) jack & jill went up the hill so jack could lick her candy...but jack got a shock and a mouth full of c0ck cuz jills real name was randy

A guy gets home from work to seeing his gf packing and he asks her why are you packing and the girl says cause i found out your a Pedophilia and the guy goes a Pedophilia and she says yes and the guy goes thats a big word for a 12 year old

your eyebrows and hairline is so far apart that when Dora the explorer went found your hairline and was trying to find your eyebrows the map couldn't even tell her.

hello everyone, I would just like to apoligize for participating in the protest, and everything else I said. I was wrong, and have recently found a way to see all these jokes as funny, I hope that you all can forgive me. ALYA