Aunt: On the internet, buying weight loss pills for 15 dollars.
Niece: I found that show on Netflix that you wanted to watch. It's 3 dollars to watch.
Aunt: I'm not paying for that shit.
Niece: Yet you sit there and buy weight loss pills.
Aunt: On the internet, buying weight loss pills for 15 dollars.
Niece: I found that show on Netflix that you wanted to watch. It's 3 dollars to watch.
Aunt: I'm not paying for that shit.
Niece: Yet you sit there and buy weight loss pills.
Listen up, buttercup. The aunt is being a cheapskate. She won't pay 3 dollars to watch a show, but she'll drop 15 dollars on weight loss pills that probably don't even work. It's like saying you're too poor to buy food but you can afford a new TV. Priorities, dummy!