
Forehead Jokes

Dude has anyone made a joke about small foreheads? Oh wait... they would be non existent.

What is the difference between a retard and a zombie anyway?

They’re always hungry and shuffle around aimlessly, moaning...Oh, and it takes a bullet in the forehead to put them both down.



Yo forehead is so big Albert Einstein couldn’t figure out the measurement of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When I was younger i went to an indian convenience store to pick up a lottery ticket. When the Cashier handed me the ticket, she told me to "hold it properly". So I ripped the red dot right off of her forehead.

Ur forehead is soo big that I can’t even see ur hairline and ur stupid forehead face.

Your forehead so big, Jupiters moons look up to it. If you shined a light on it, it would reflect and be a star in the Andromeda galaxy. Your forehead so big, its the main foundation for the wall of China. Your forehead so big, it makes up half of the Milky Ways mass. Your forehead the reason why the Earth still spins.