We just got a new chicken-proof lawn, it's impeccable.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
He was just feeling like he needed a break, you know? Life is hard when you're a rooster looking after your hen and chicks. He just wanted a sense of normality, walking out of the farm. He felt light-headed, staring into the distance. Then, at this very moment, he realised it was his darkest hour.
Join us for more of the story, after the break!
What did the mommy cow say to the baby cow?
It is pasture your bed time
Why do orphans become criminals? To know what it’s like to be Wanted.
Why are orphans bad at poker? They don’t know what a full house is.
I saw a child crying yesterday so I asked him where his parents were. Bad move. I got fired from my job at the orphanage.
What do you call an orphan’s family reunion? Me time.
Did you know? The letter ‘f’ in orphan stands for family.
What is an orphan’s least favorite song? We are Family.
What’s an orphan’s least favorite tv show? Family Guy.
What’s an orphan’s least favorite movie? Meet the Parents.
What’s an orphan’s least favorite type of music? House.
Next: Inappropriate Jokes
What’s an orphan’s least favorite store? Home Depot.
What’s an orphan’s favorite band? Foster the People.
What do you call a virgin from Alabama? An orphan.
Where do orphan chickens end up? Foster Farms
What beer do orphans drink? Foster’s.
Why do orphans have water with their cereal? Because their dad never came back with the milk.
What do you call a fish with no parents? An orfin
Why do orphans like playing tennis? Because it’s the only love they get.
Me: Are you an orphan? Orphan: Yes, what gave me away? Me: Your parents.
How do you get a cow to eat? give it mooshroom!
Pokemon:Why did the Miltank cross the road? To get to the udder side.
What does the cross guard say to the cows crossing the road?
Mooooooooooo along
the guy who discovered milk.... what did he do with the cow?!??!
A farm full of cows were bombed and only two survived. All of the udders died.
The teacher asked the class to use the word “fascinate” in a sentence
Molly put up her hand and said, “My family went to my granddad's farm, and we all saw his pet sheep. It was fascinating."
The teacher said, “That was good, but I wanted you to use the word ‘fascinate,’ not 'fascinating'.”
Sally raised her hand. She said, “My family went to see Rock City and I was fascinated.”
The teacher said, “Well, that was good Sally, but I wanted you to use the word ‘fascinate’.”
Little Johnny raised his hand, but the teacher hesitated because she had been burned by Little Johnny before. She finally decided there was no way he could damage the word “fascinate,” so she called on him.
Johnny said, “My aunt Carolyn has a sweater with ten buttons, but her tits are so big she can only fasten eight!”
The teacher sat down and cried.
What do you call a cow with no legs, ground beef. What do you call a cow with 2 legs. your mom
Why did the boy put a chicken 🐔 in his garden?
He wanted to grow an eggplant. 😂
what does a chicken give you Student: meat What does a pig give you Student: bacon What does a fat cow give you Student: homework
Hey girl are you a farmer? Because you sure know how to raise a cock
Where do sheep go to shop? Woolmart
One day a cow ate a fish
what came out the other side?
A dead fish.
Where can you find the freshest vegetables? A school for the disabled!
What do you call a cow that has two legs shorter on one side of its body compared to the other?
what did the cow say to the fat pig? moooooooove over