What’s the difference between an ant and an orphan?
The ant knows where home is.
If you were a room in my house, I’d make you the basement.
So I could put kids inside you.
What’s the worst joke ever, your parent’s relationship.
An Asian gets a choice between his rice cooker or his son. He instantly picks the cooker and says, "He got a B+ in maths last week; he's a failure!"
My sister is so ugly that she had to have a child with me to keep the family tree going.
I told a kid his dad is a magician because he disappeared and never came back home.
What's the difference between YouTube adverts and orphans?
Most get skipped no matter how interesting they are.
When you see an orphanage bully, remind them that no matter how powerful they are, they will never be as strong as their dads... Oh wait, they don't have a dad.
An advantage of being an orphan the teacher can't give you any homework
what's the second worst thing to happen to orphans? they can't have sex. "why?" because they don't have anyone to call mommy or daddy.