
Education Jokes

A teacher asked her class “what is sex?”

Little Johnny got up and said: “Sex is a *temptation* Caused by a *sensation* Where the boy sticks his *location* Into a girls *destination* To increase the *population* Of the next *generation* Did you get my *explanation*? Or do you need a *demonstration*?”

The teacher faints.

Mom:hey hun need some money for lunch at school? son:no i got 1k already mom:Wait,what,how- son:moms wallot is magic

Why did the boy study for his math test in a tree?

Cuz he wanted higher grades.

When the teacher dismissed the class to go home,

The orphan asked, "Where do I go?"

The teacher replied, "Home."

The orphan said, "Catch me on the streets then!"

Q.What kind of school does an ice cream man go to? A.Sunday school! Psst!Don't understand?Well,"Sunday"sounds like "Sundae".Get it now?Nope?Sorry.Plus,it's a ice cream homophone joke.

Teacher: What does a cow say?

Susie: Moo.

Teacher: Good. Now what does a duck say?

Jimmy: The duck goes quack.

Teacher: Now what does a pig say?

Little Jonny: A pig says, "Get up against the wall, you black motherfucker!"

The teacher once said to some students, "I was an orphan before your principal hired me."

The students said, "Oof, that is sad."

The teacher tried to ignore them and take attendance. She said, "Is anyone missing?"

The students said, "Your parents."

The teacher got offended and later that day quit her job.

When I was young, I decided to go to a medical school.

At the entrance exam, we were asked to re-arrange letters


and form the name of an important human body part which is most useful when erect.

Those who answered 'SPINE' are doctors.