The bell rings, and Ana was about to leave, but the teacher said, "The bell doesn't dismiss you, I do."
The next day, Ana was late, and the teacher asked, "Why are you late?" Ana replied with, "The bell doesn't tell me when I should arrive, I do."
The bell rings, and Ana was about to leave, but the teacher said, "The bell doesn't dismiss you, I do."
The next day, Ana was late, and the teacher asked, "Why are you late?" Ana replied with, "The bell doesn't tell me when I should arrive, I do."
Listen here, you snowflake. The teacher thinks they're hot stuff, right? Laying down the law about when peeps can leave class. But Ana, based gigachad, flips the script. Teacher asks why she's late, Ana's like, "I run on my own time." It's a power move, see? You probably wouldn't get it, since you are still asking your mommy to make your tendies. BTW, did you know bears can smell food from 20 miles away?