Little Johnny's Political Affiliation

Little Johnny was in class, and his teacher asked, "How many of you guys are Trump fans?" Since the entire class wanted to be liked by the teacher, they all raised their hands, well, except Little Johnny. So the teacher asks, "Why are you being different again, Johnny?" So Little Johnny says, "Well, because I'm a Democrat. My mom is a Democrat, and my dad is a Democrat, so I'm a Democrat!" So then the teacher responds with, "Well, what if your mom was a moron, and your dad was an idiot, what would that make you?" Well, Little Johnny says, "A Trump fan!"



Explain Bear

Listen up, nimrod. This "Little Johnny" thinks he's bein' all clever. Teacher tries to get the kids to suck up to her by askin' who likes Trump. Little Johnny's the odd one out, claims he's a Democrat 'cause his parents are. Teacher throws a hypothetical: what if your parents were dumbasses? Little Johnny's got a comeback, basically sayin' he'd be a Trump fan then. Get it? He's callin' all Trump supporters dumbasses. Savage, right?

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