
Discrimination Jokes

The translation is correct. Toilet for disabled person shouldn't be called toilet. It should be:

A sign with the universal symbol for handicap accessibility, below which it reads "DEFORMED MAN TOILET".

I went to a library and I started to make fun of a disabled guy. He started crying, and I said, "Stand up for yourself!"

What do the Twin Towers and genders have in common? There used to be two of them, but now it's a sensitive subject.

Who is the definition of a natural-born cocksucker?

A bisexual male, a homosexual male, a bisexual female, or a heterosexual female?

A physically disabled heterosexual male.

In the hospital, they need to keep the disabled patients' rooms cooler than the other patients' rooms.


They need to keep the vegetables cool and crisp.

What part of "Another One Bites the Dust" do you sing to a disabled person to make fun of them? "I'm standing on my own two feet."

Why can black people post offensive jokes about making fun of white people, but white people can't post offensive jokes about making fun of black people? Because white people have white privilege. Does it cycle?