"I love you 😘" was the night you got a iiooooo.
Why could you not hear the dinosaur clap? Because it's dead.
What do you call a dinosaur that likes subtraction?
a galiminus.
What do you get when you cross a pig with a dinosaur
Jurassic park
Why cant you here a ptaradactal pee because the p is silent
Where is Rex the dinosaur? In the ground
Q. What sound does a sleeping T-Rex make?
A. A dino-snore.
Why can't dinosaurs clap?
Because they're dead.
What's the difference between a smart blonde and a dinosaur?
The dinosaur once existed.
What do you call a lesbian dinosaur?
What do you call a dinosaur that can’t eat?
What dinosaur loves music?
The velociRAPtor!
What's the difference between a T-Rex and your sister? I can't stick my dick in a dinosaur.
Why don't dinosaurs lay eggs?
Because they're EGGstinct!
What was the doctor's diagnosis on a dinosaur with a low sex drive? Teraerectile dysfunction.
Why can’t dinosaurs clap?
Because they're dead.
Why did the dinosaur cross the road? Because chickens didn't exist then.
Why was the T-rex so angry? You would be angry too if your arms were too short to masturbate.
What do you call a lesbian dinosaur? Lick-a-lotta-puss
What do my baby and dinosaurs have in common? They are both dead.