
Difference Jokes

What’s the difference between a pornstar covered in slime and the white stripes? One has icky thump and the other does icky hump.

I saw one of my cringe jokes from before I had an account and decided to remake it

What’s the difference between a microwave and a 10 year old girl? The microwave doesn’t fart out blood and diarrhoea when you pull your meat out

What’s the difference between Jesus and a picture of Jesus

The picture gets hung with one nail not two

What's the difference between the Twin Towers and the Leaning Tower of Pisa? The Leaning Tower of Pisa has good reflexes

What’s the difference between a normal kid and an Emo? When you feel an Emos arm there’s lots of texture! Feels great too!

what's the difference between outlaws and in-laws?!... outlaws are wanted :)