
Difference Jokes

What's the difference between flat earthers and my grandfather? flat earthers are more disconnected from reality than my grandfather is disconnected from his life support.


What is the difference between giving money to a prostitute and giving money to a church? A prostitute won't tell you that it is more blessed to give than it is to receive.

whats the difference between al qaeda and ms frizzle? One flew a plane into the twin towers one flew a bus into the school


What's the difference between a baby and a watermelon?

One screems when you out it in a blender and the other one is a cooperative little fruit.

What is the difference between a plane and a helicoptor.

A plane hits a building but a helicopter hits the floor

Whats the difference between NASA and religion

NASA takes you through space Religion takes you through two towers


What is the difference between a washing machine and a hooker? I can put a load in the washing machine without it following me.

What's the difference between Bird flu and swine flu? -- For one you get tweetment, for the other you get oinkment.

What is the difference between a Taliban outpost and a Pakistani primary school?

I don't know... I just fly the drone