Did you hear about the Pillsbury Dough Boy? He died of a yeast infection.
When Stephen hawking died i assume his computer crash caused it
The only reason Stephen Hawking died is because he broke his charger.
Yo mama so stupid, when her phone dies, she buries it.
So I was on Google, and on my computer it had Windows. When Stephen Hawking died, it shut down, the shutdown sound played, and wouldn't turn on again.
What is a box called when a cough dies in it?
A coffin.
Two scientists walk into a bar. The first one says, "Can I have a drink of H2O?" Then the second says, "Can I have a drink of H2O2?" and he dies.
I was walking down the street saw a kid slip on a plum. I look to my right and died of lafter because I did the same
Why did steaphen hawkings died. Because his son wanted to charge there phone so they unplugged him
Humpty Dumpty felled off the wall, his mom did a terri-fried call. He got hurt in a egg-cident & it never got eggs-elent. When the eggs-plant was over, he got told to use the mower. It happened too fast, he watched the very last. Next he died, eaten all fried.
Did he hear he died of a virus? A computer virus
i glad stephen hawking died because he was wheely wheely bad
DDLC be like: "You kinda left her (Sayori) hanging."
And Yuri TOOK A SEAT...
On the floor.
And died.
The end.
Stephen Hawking just died. Have they tried rebooting him to factory settings?
When Stephen Hawkins died he saw the stareway to heaven. He thought to himself oh god this is awkward
He died because of a fuck up by the Hospital. Apparently, the doctor said to the nurse, "You can discharge Mr. Hawking now," so she went to his room and pulled the plug out of his computer.
Steven Hawkings Died I Said Why Did His Wheelchair Break
What did Stephen hawkings computer say when he died ?? .... ERROR
When Stephen Hawkings died did they take him to the Hospital or PC World?
It sucks that Stephen Hawking died so soon, the new Intel update just came out.