I liked the chocolate mousse cake joke.
Why was the Milky Way remembered...
Because it's... DELICIOUS!
So a cupcake walks into a bar and sits down. The bartender says to himself, "Damn, this is some good shit."
What is wrong with having chocolate for dessert? It taste like shit and I hate it.
What’s the difference between an orphan and a donut? People wants donuts
Why did the car drive over the cake?
'Cause it was in tiers!! Lol, sorry this ain't funny.
Why couldn't the teddy bear finish his dessert?
He was stuffed.
What do you feed a group of octopuses for dessert?
What did the cookie say when he jumped off the cliff? Crumbs, ha ha!
I'm going to destroy your momma's [vulgar term] just like I destroyed that Tastykake.
The reason why Steven H. died was that someone poisoned his chocolate mousse.
Why is a sweet potato casserole so sweet? Because it's so sweet to eat!
Why did the cow go to space?
To get ice cream!
Would you like a piece of Africa?
Would you like to know why? Because it's a dessert/desert.
I'm a recovering cake addict.
Charlie likes big, black chocolate.
Why does Blake eat cake? Because Caleb can't.
Y'all heard of Poptarts, eh?
Well why are there no Momtarts?
Because of the PASTRYarchy!
What do you call a rapper who LOVES desserts?
Ice Cream-E
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Yull who?
You'll be sorry if you eat all the fruitcake!