
Death Jokes

THE ORPHANS ALL DIED!!! oh wait, no one cares.. THEIR PARENTS ARE ALL DEAD ANYWAY, we are just making them happier, they get to join their parents in hell

I was in a toxic relationship . After some time my girlfriend died, her name was happy . Still got no clue of her body and here i am lying on the bed so fucking happy.

Why did Princess Diana cross the road?: She wasn’t wearing her seatbelt.

Did you know Princess Diana had dandruff; they found her head and shoulders all over the windshield.

Sketchy dude: you push this button you get 100 million dollars but 100 million people would die Me: if i push it more than once do i get more money Sketchy dude: yes but more people die Me: *rapidly pushes button* this is how you solve world hunger. Sketchy dude: ... wtf, your insane. Me: ...