There were three indians that got kick out of the tride. One said "me find food" and he came back with a decent size rabit. The other two asked him what happened he said "me see rabit me shoot rabit and rabit fall down dead. The 2nd indian "me find food" he came back with a good sized deer the other two asked him what happened he said"me see deer me shoot deer deer fall down dead. The third indian said "me find food" he came back crwling mising a leg and an arm and he was all cut up the others anded what happened he said "me see train me shoot trai train no stop
How do you know if your wife is dead?
Sex is the same, but the dishes keep piling up.
What do you call a dead fly? -- A flew.
Why do cows have hooves instead of feet? -- Because they lactose.
What's red and bad for your teeth? A brick.
How do you tell when your wife is dead?
The sex is the same, but the dishes pile up.
How many dead prostitutes does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
More than three because the basement is still dark!
For sale: Dead canary.
Not going cheep.