whats george floyds newest song i cant breath
I saw a monkey outside of school and said, "Look, a monkey!" I got expelled the next day.
I got in trouble at school today because I told the teacher at school with COVID to stay positive.
Q: What do blind kids and orphans have in common?
A: Neither of them get to see their parents.
Q: What do orphans call a family reunion?
A: Me time.
I joined an emo class today. The first lesson I learned was slice and dice and let it flow.
Dark humor
Is it still stand-up comedy if the comedian doesn't have legs?
Help, my ADHD is so bad that not even I can focus in a concentration camp.
I was playing football and this guy comes to me, he was in a wheelchair.
We started playing rocket league.
My nan must really love the quiet game, she's been playing it for ages.
Q: Do you know why orphans rob banks?
A: Because it's a guarantee they'll be wanted afterwards.
Son: Dad, I had sex for the first time.
Dad: Would you like to talk about it?
Son: Sure.
Dad: Sit down and let's talk about it.
Son: I can't, my butt hurts.
Male Patient: So I just pull my pants down and bend over for my prostate exam.
Doctor: Yup.
Male: Ok I'm ready....hey doc that doesn't feel like a finger.
Doctor: He he yeah...im not a doctor.
Your mum is so old that when I told her to act her age, she died.
what's worse than a baby in a trash can? A baby in two trash cans.
What's big and yellow......A bus full of kids
What is the worst joke ever. It you .🫥
The cemetery is so crowded, people are just dying to get in.
Dark humor is like water, some people get it, some people don’t.