
Culture Jokes

If someone who speaks two languages is bilingual, and someone who speaks many languages is multilingual, then what do you call someone who speaks one language?

An American.

(If it's unoriginal, I apologize. My friend gave me this joke.)

-Signed, AdmiralKizaru.

Why do catholic Irishman in Ireland have a glory hole in the men's restroom inside their restaurants so they can give Irish kisses on Saints Patrick's Day

Do you know why in france there is a cheese named formage á ràpe?

Cuz the cheese got rapped

Spanish is difficult when my mom gives me food she says toma and that's drink in English so I always drink my food

Christopher Columbus:*Sees native americans* Can i see your land Native amercians:sure just be care.......... Christopher Columbus:Boonk gang whole lot of gang shit