
Culture Jokes

This Chinese girl didn't know what a sausage roll was so i replied, its like a spring roll with sausage in it but not any dog or cat how you have it.


Orphans and Chinese people can’t play baseball , the orphans can’t find home and the Chinese kid will eat the bat

A man is meeting a client in Japan, yet arrives a day early. When night hit he went out with a prostitute. They're having sex, yet the prostitute kept shouting "Fuji, Fuji, Fuji!", so the man thinks he doing a good job. The next day, the man meets his client and they go golfing and the client gets a hole in one. The man praises him by going "Fuji, Fuji, Fuji!". His client turns around confused and says "What do you mean wrong hole!?"

Why did the Indian man refuse to use deodorant? Because he wanted to smell like his natural habitat, the shitter.