Whoever killed Adolf Hitler is MY hero!
When you kill people in a war, it's perfectly fine, but when it's a school, everyone has a problem with it, wth.
Why was 6 afraid of 7?
Seven’s been worried about six even since he left Afghanistan. Every time 6 closes his eyes, he sees the war and hears the gunshots. He sees the blood, the killing, the death, and soldiers falling. When he looks at seven, he remembers when they were forced to eat their own flesh to not starve in those caves. He sees the war and the flashbacks will come back forever, burned into his soul and mind.
The eyelash and the lipstick got into a fight. Soon they will make up.
What is your arm's favorite military branch? The army.
Shaenaya hates me, help! And she wants to suck off ******* and ****** and ***** and *****.
What's the difference between an ISIS training center and a school?
I don't know, I just fly the drone.
What do you call it when a Mexican and a pedophile fight?
Alien vs Predator.
Hippity hoppity, Hiroshima, Nagasaki.
What if you put a scared homosexual guy and an angry homophobic guy inside a stable ?
Hmm let's see, if the homosexual guy has some good luck maybe he will meet a super unicorn and helps him out to defeat the angry homophobic guy :D
When I was young, I got bullied by two kids, and whenever I got hit to the ground, I would get back up and cry. Then I had the courage to fight back, except they didn't get back up.
A war isn’t about who is right, it’s about who is left!
How did Rihanna know that Chris Brown was cheating on her? There was a different color of lipstick on his knuckles.
Knott and Shott got into a gunfight. Knott was shot and Shott was not. Therefore, it was better to be Shott than Knott. But what if the shot Shott shot didn't hit Knott but Shott? Then the shot Shott shot shot Shott.
If 2 vegetables have an argument, it's called beef.
What's the difference between a school and an ISIS military base? Don't ask me, I only fly the drone.
Why was the Roman soldier kicked out of the army? Because he was "Romin" around during war.
When deaf people fight, they let their fists do the talking.
I got into a fight with 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9. The odds were against me.
Russian history in 5 words: "And then things got worse."