Why did the octopus cry?
Because his mum said he looked like Johnny Depp.
Katie Price's answer for everything is darkness.
She isn't a dull person, but playing eye spy with my little eye with Harvey is just way too easy.
Juice WRLD farts smell like McDonalds.
"Dababy midget porn."
Ever wonder why pride month is so hot?
It's just a free trial of what's to come for the celebrators...
Why did Paul Walker die? Because he crashed a car into a tree.
Chuck Norris is a ham weiner.
Your mom so ugly that Paul Walker died.
What do you call a woman with magical abilities and an android? Wanda Maximoff and Vision! Or.... Scarlet Witch and Vision! This joke was added to celebrate and honour Marvel Studios' new series: WandaVision!
What do Michael Jackson and ACN have in common? They both go in little kids.
What's the difference between MJ and myself?
Nothing at all.
What's the difference between Vin Diesel and an orphan?
Vin Diesel actually has family.
tbh, I was not even talking to you guys. I was talking to the funny jokes about Ariana, and people were saying she was adopted, so, tbh, fuck off!
Why did the rapper wear sunglasses to the interview?
Because his FUTURE was too BRIGHT!
Why did the rapper wear sunglasses?
She likes rough sex with handcuffs and I’ll be honest... She likes me to Chris Brown her when she acts like Rihanna.
"911, I just crashed my car. I think it's burning. I can't see. It hurts to breathe."
How many thumbs down can this joke get?
Joke: Runescape, mustard, tits, Pamela Anderson.
How do you beat lady gaga at Texas hold’em?
Poker face