
Butt Jokes

One day a Chief was talking to his son..."Son," the father said, Long ago the Woman didn't have anybody to take her to BINGO. So, the Creator put the Woman to sleep and cut off her butt cheeks and made her a Man. That's why today Indian Women have no butt, and the Men are called Buttheads!"

What did the but cheek say to the other when you open us a big order of choochie man comes out

How do we GET a butt:god made us like that and we can't change it if you wanted to you have to die <:

Can you believe they're still together after everything they've been through??

who you might ask...


Dear Hearing People. We, deaf people, ain’t dead. We can use our hands to talk, eat & fist your face to give you some 💡 awareness that we can understand you 💯 meanwhile we laugh at you 🤡 We Can even dance via vibration through music. Do you know the song W lyric like this 👇 *white b.... accent: Ohhh.. MY God BECKY.. L👀k at her butt. IT is SO BIG. *BIG BEAT DROP* I...LIKE...BIG...BUTT...I cannot LIE 👻 I promise we ain’t ghosting around - Brittany Rose

I saw a lady in a bikini on the beach so I walked up to her and said LET ME STICK MY DICK UP YOUR BIG ASS!!!!!!!!!

Mom: I saw John Cena at wwe

Son: no way you can't see him though

Mom: god

Son: what

Mom: you watch too much reality TV comes to smack butt

Son: also because I’m John Cena

Mom: whe where’d ya go

John Cena: hey mom

Mom: I’m only 31 your 42