what is the difference between a basement full of dead prostitutes and a bowling ball in the basement?
I don't bowl.
what is the difference between a basement full of dead prostitutes and a bowling ball in the basement?
I don't bowl.
Yo mama is so fat that she brought a spoon to the Super Bowl and a plate and ketchup to the red zone.
My mom told me to make my dad smile, and she will give me $100, so I said, "The Cowboys are gonna win the Super Bowl." He smiled, but my mom didn't give it to me.
Anyways, I forgot about my package coming, and the mailman came, and I said, "I like your hat; teal looks nice on you," and he smiled, and my mom gave me $100.
When Helen Keller tries singing the national anthem at the Super Bowl,
Aaaaaaaaaa Aaaaaaaaaa Aaaaaaaaaa.
Jo Mama is so dumb, she tried to eat the Super Bowl.
Joe Mama so fat, she brought a spoon to the Super Bowl!
So my dad tells these jokes and someone posted one on this website so...
How many Polish people does it take to change a light bulb? 101, one to hold the light bulb and 100 to spin the house.
There’s also one about a bowling ball in a bath tub he hasn’t told me that though. I'll research that.
What do you call a bowling ball that falls from the sky and knocks down all the bowling pins?
An airstrike.
your mama so fat when she stepped on a scale it said, mam take the bowling ball off of the scale