Jo Mama is so dumb, she tried to eat the Super Bowl.
Jo Mama is so fat, I left her printing last year, and she is still printing!
Knock knock who’s there Joe Joe who Jo mama
Yo mama is so fat that I could write 3 paragraphs, and she still wouldn’t fit.
Yo mama is so fat that Naruto couldn’t make enough shadow clones to surround her.
Yo mama is so fat that Naruto couldn't make enough shadow clones to surround her.
Jo mama is so fat that I could write 3 paragraphs, and she still wouldn't fit!
What does an orphan say after a kid makes a jo mama joke?
I don’t have a mama.
Yo mama so fat, she went outside and became the sun.
"Yo mama so fat, she thought Saturn was deez nuts."
Jo mama so fat that when aliens envaded earth they said wow two in one