What did one orphan say to the other orphan?
"Robin! Jump in the Batmobile."
Robin: "The car's not working."
Batman: "Did you check the battery?"
Robin: "What's a tery?"
So, there was a kid named Bobby, and he was writing notes. He asked his mother, who was on a phone call, "what is one plus one?" She said, "I HATE YOU." Then he asked his brother what is 2 + 2, who was watching a Batman movie, said, "NU NU NU NU NU NU NU NU NU NU BATMAN!" Then he asked his dad what is 4 plus 4, who was playing football, said, "85 SMACK EM DOWN!" Then he asked his sister 8+8, (she was playing with barbies), and she said, "My buns are burning." Then he went to school and told her teacher the first note he wrote down. The teacher sent him to the principal’s office. The principal yelled, "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!" Bobby said, "NU NU NU NU NU NU NU NU NU NU BATMAN!" The principal yelled, "HOW MANY SPANKINGS DO YOU WANT?!" Then he said, "85 SMACK EM DOWN!" Then he walked away from the principal’s office and said, "my buns are burning."
What did one orphan say to another orphan?
"Get in the batmobile, Robin!"
What is an orphan's favorite movie? Hint, not Home Alone. It's actually Batman, 'cause they are 50% the same as him.
Q: What’s the difference between Black Panther and Batman?
A: Batman “returns.”
What's the difference between Batman and a Black man???
Batman can go out at night without Robin.
What happens when Batman sees Catwoman?
The Dark Knight Rises.
What's the difference between Madeline McCann and Batman?
Batman returns.
Riddle me this, Batman, what's long, round, and has cum in the middle?
Batman: A dick.
Riddler: NO NO NOOO! It's a cucumber!