YO MAMA SOO STUPID!!, she though base balls at bat man
7000+ bats
Why was the rapper bad at baseball?
Because he always dropped the MIC instead of the BAT
Why do orphans have no parents Because it was bat man
what dose bat man have that super man doesn't...
The ability to visit his biological parents grave.
What do you call a movie about a orphan? The Bat Man.
Where would batman get his freak on at? The batcave? or the bat strip club?
Some rules of childhood cricket:
1. Whose bat his batting
2. Mother called,
To go while fielding. Then the turn will not be missed.
3. If the Umpire's decision is not acceptable, the decision of the Spectator, Front Uncle or Neighbor Aunt shall be final.
i made this up
i was watching a school baseball game, and i was yelling at a kid to take it home, he took the bat and threw it, and then ran away. i asked the teacher/coach what the problem was, and he said the kid was an orphan, and i started laughing so hard
later that night i wondered where he stormed off to after he thew the bat and i thought to myself not home
Why didn’t the orphan play baseball? Because I took the bat and swun it at their kneecaps and now they can’t run, what are they going to do tell their parents
Why can’t Chinese people play cricket? cus they always eat the bat
What games do bats like play at recess?
Why was the baseball player stuck in the stadium???
'Cuz' he made his home run
why cant orphans play baseball. they cant find
Little Johnny brought a baseball bat to school. The teacher asked why he had one. He said “I need it to beat up the principal” when the principal found out what Little Johnny had said, well let’s just say Little Johnny didn’t need no baseball bat to kill him.
Did you hear about the new Chinese food? It is called: “Wuhan Fried Bats”!
what did the orphan say to the other. quick robin to the bat mobile
What does a girl get after having sex with batman? Defective rabies.
I know this is a really bad poem but I'll do it anyway cuz I have nothing else to do.
Twas so pretty a night, with people all asleep. Everyone's dreaming of that candy apple treat, and a palace. But alas! No it's all a dream. Even eating ice cream, it's all a dream! Why can't I have this? Why can't I have that? BUT NO! It's just hitting you like a bat. YOU JUST HAVE TO HAVE IT, you say to yourself. All for me, all for me, and exedra. it goes on and on. But why wish for riches? Your already rich enough? If you have a device, then take my advise, if you were poor you would have spent the money on food, like honey, not something that... OF ALL THINGS IS GOOGLE!
Like I said, it's really bad. :(