
Basketball Jokes

Ever wondered why my gay kids don't play basketball? Because they can't shoot the ball straight into the hoop.

Why are there so many black men in the NBA that only want to play basketball on a all black basketball team? because they prefer to suck a long and thick big black dick

When your friends talking about sports: Jake says " It was 17.56M people watching in basketball championship"🦁

Sam says " It was 113M People watching the Super Bowl" 😯🐱

Avion says "It was up from 1.12 billion people watching World Cup 😶🙀

What’s the difference between a WNBA player and a rotten apple? The apple has a chance to make it into the basket.

I left a ticket to a WNBA game on the dashboard when I went to go get the groceries. A burglar broke in and left another one on the dashboard.