What’s a Asians worst nightmare a tree
In Urdu
why cant asian people use a telephone Because they might wing the wong number
What do u call the bell at the Asian restaurant I'm Ta Ping it Som Ting Won
there’s no Asian kids in my class but it just happens to be the rice store and the pet store just ran out of stock...
what does asian people eat?
Pov: u go to Asian prison
U get served extra rice
Asians love it when a british person says "Rice"!
How can you tell a Asian guy is awake
You can never tell
Your mama so fat that she can’t even talk even she Kevin say oh my gosh cause she has a big ass mouth
one day my dog died because we couldn't find him then we got a cat on the same day then my cat went missing and when I was crying we heard are Asian neighbour was having a party then we went over and i saw my dog and cat on the grill and they eat them. in front of me saying yum yum doggy in my tummy and cat in my tummy as well.
If I flip off a Asian person He can’t see it
when Helen Keller drives a car people call here Asian
what do you call an Asian a blind man a very bad driver.
why cant Asians play baseball
because they ate all the bats
What's the last thing Asians hear from their parents? My money is my money. Your money is my money. Your wife's money is my money. Always remember that son.
What language do Asian Karen’s speak? Demandarin.
How do you know if an Asian is an orphan? If their grade was only an A.
How do you know if an Asian is a failure? Figure it out, because they'll all tell you their parents said they were a failure from birth.
Today I got a lecture from my mother, and congratulated her. Why? Because she managed not to damage me in a physical fashion.