why can Asian people buy phones?
cause they might call the wong number
What do you call an Asian? A stupid gook.
How do you blindfold and Asian? String!
I was in class doing sex education. We were learning about sexual stereotypes. My teacher turns to the class and asks “If anyone could tell him what a sexual stereotype was?” So I raised my hand and said “Asians have small penis” he looked at me and said “very good. But I was looking for a definition.
What makes Asians look like their laughing at everyone their scwinting befor they here the joke
An asian walked up to a another asian that was crying. He asked, "Is somting wong?" The other guy says, "I was i a noh paking zon"
What did the Asian people name their retarded son?
Sum Ting Wong
Whats wrong with asian pet stores? Theres no pets
why do Asians abandon their children
there bad at math
Q: What’s Jackie Chan‘s favourite drink to have at a bar? A: Wo-Tahh
What's the difference between China and New York City?
In China, the Asians ride ON the trains. In New York City, they usually end up riding UNDER them.