does any one have a xbox 1? my gamer tag is Chalkyfrog11 add me and commet on this post telling me ur gamer tag.
My Xbox has been acting up lately...
So I painted it black to make it run faster
I unfriended Paul Walker on Xbox because he was always on the dashboard.
Why can't orphans close their video games?
Because they can't find the home button
Why couldn’t the orphan play Xbox because there was no home button
I had 2 boxes 1 roblox 1 xbox
What does Michael Jackson and an Xbox have in common? Firstly, they both went from black to white and secondly they both get turned on by kids.
What did the mincrater do when his Xbox turns off He raged😱
On Xbox live an orphan can say they f ed your mom so you can say at least mine didnt die from it.
What is the difference between a nicely dressed man on a tricycle and a poorly dressed man on a bicycle? A tire (A tire as in clothes and the tire? U get it? no? I'm lonely. add me on Xbox: DECIMUS PAX)
Dumbest7 is my xbox account hit me up
add me on xbox live ironstriker1316
Your mama is so stupid, she bought tickets for Xbox live
I bought my son an Xbox in 2017 it’s now 2018 and I’m still waiting for him to open it
What does Earl Bradley and an Xbox have in common? They both get turned on by children.
I added Paul Walker on my Xbox but all he does is sits on the dashboard
Murder:wanna play a game? me:ok (pulls out xbox controller)
If Stephen Hawking was an Xbox... He just red ringed, and rose up to Game Stop