what do you call a kid with no arms or legs? dont matter what you call him, he aint coming.
What do you call an ant with so much power?
A ter-mite.
What do you call an injured person who doesn't want to play a game with you? A sore loser.
What do you call a short fortune-teller that escaped from jail?
A Small Medium at Large.
What do you call a crazy-in-every-way sister?
A sissy
What do you call a funny drink?
What do you call a Chinese rapist? Rae ping you.
What do you call a fat man that has a stomach shaped like an egg?
Humpty Dumpty!
What do you call a pig who does karate?
Pork chop!
What do you call a lost Indian woman? Ms. Singh.
What do you call a bunch of microcephalics in a swimming pool? Vegetable soup
What do you call a group of depressed kids?
Suicide squad.
What do you call a Mexican under a carpet? Underlay, underlay.
What do you call a dwarf suicide bomber?
A party popper.
what do you call a flying pig
What do you call a Russian pharmacist?
"Ivan Astichestykov."
What do you call a Russian man with three balls?
'Whodya nikabollokov'
what do you call a terrorist attack in india?
a wednesday.
What do you call a man who likes rape jokes? A fucking disgusting, scumbag with no intellignece what so ever. If u actually joke about this you are the reason humanity has faded.
What do you call a fat woman that prays?
A holy cow.