How do you becomes with Nato. Promise no more world wars, by secretely peforming miltiary practises behind their back
Don't make Iran jokes. My mom died by a rocket launcher. She was the best sharp shooter in the Iranian army.
wat did the orphans do when the bombs drop?
they said alakbar
What did Paul Revere yell during a full moon?
The British are cumming! The British are cumming!
Q: When and where was the biggest BBQ ever?
A: Hiroshima, Japan 1946.
We need more women in the military! They can bleed for weeks and still not die!
how does Hitler tie his shoes? into little Nazi's
What first went through Sally's mind when the Nazis came? - A bullet.
My uncle died on nine eleven... he was the best pilot in Iraq.
I don't like it when people make jokes about 9/11, because we lost 19 great patriots that day.
A Chinese boy never met his parents after they were killed in WW2, so when he learned where they were buried, he quickly rushed there.
He sat down in front of their graves and prayed, "I want to see your face again, mommy..." A miracle happened; his mother rose up from the graves and hugged him.
The boy cried then said, "I want to see you too, dad." He looked at his father's grave, but nothing happened.
Suddenly, a Japanese soldier came up behind him and asked, "Were you looking for me?"
Let me tell you how I escaped Iraq. Iran! (;)
A family of 3, a dad, a mom, and a 12 year old son are driving in the car when the dad says, “How about we play a little game of two truths and a lie? It’ll be fun.”
“Ok,” the mom and son reply happily.
“Let me start,” says the son.
“Ok, go ahead,” replies the mom.
“I hate video games, I hate school, and I love junk food,” says the son.
“Ooh ooh! You do love junk food, you do hate school, and you don’t hate video games,” says the mom.
“Your right!” He replies.
“I’ll go next,” says the dad. “I love your mom, you’re adopted, and my dad almost died in WWII.”
“Hmm... Your dad did not almost die in WWII, obviously I’m not adopted, and you do love my mom,” Says the son.
“The lie is the second on,” says the dad.
What does Donald Trump says when he declares war? Nuke them. What does a pervert says when he declares war? Nude them.
You know, when women clean their nails with chemicals, no one cares, but when Hitler tries to clean Poland with chemicals, everyone goes crazy.
Why is the Champs dElysees in Paris lined with trees? Because German soldiers like marching in the shade!
Two of my grandpas died in WW2.
Their tower fell over.
What is the difference between an ISIS training camp and a school? Don't ask me, i just fly the drone.
What do you call a kid watching Star Wars by themselves?
Hans Solo.
A war isn’t about who is right, it’s about who is left!