Roses are red violets are blue cause comes near my Willy
Rose's are red violets are blue fortnite is dead so are you (I have no friends because all of my friends play fortgay just like my friends all of them are gay)
Roses are blue violets are blue
What ohh shit!!!!!! I hate having dyslexia
Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
Once I'm done choking you,
You will be too.
roses are red violets are blue that joke is old just like you.
Roses are red Violets are blue I know a pedophile And he says he knows you
roses are red violets are blue she is hot but you're as ugly as poo
Roses are black, violets are black I’m colorblind
Roses are blood red, violets are twilight-hued; your blood was delectable, and so was the rest of you.
Roses are blood red, violets are twilight-hued oh how I wish I was dead so that I no longer have to brood.
Death would be a reprieve as I would no longer have to be true, and I would no longer have to be around any of you.
Roses are gay, violets are also gay. If you read, you are gay.
Roses are red, violets are not, everyone at Grant High School is probably a thot.
Roses are red, violets are black, I traded my son for 10 Big Macs.
Roses are red, Violets are blue, How many bananas can I fit, Maybe two?
Roses are red, violets are blue, You think violets are blue, what the hell is wrong with you?
Roses are red Violets are blue two gay lovers find out they are brothers
There are 5 cows in a field 1 of them is the mom the rest are kids one of the kids walked up to the mom and asked why am I named Daisy and then a daisy fell on her head, The 2econt cow came up to the mom and asked why am I named rose and then a rose fell on her head, then the 3rd cow said why am I named violet then a violet fell on her head then the 4th cow walked up and said merrrbere then the mom said shutup sinderblock
Ok rose are red violets are blue barney looks better then you
Roses are dead, violets are dead. I am a bad gardener.
Roses are red, Violets are blue, A face like yours belongs in the zoo, But don't you worry, I'll be there too, Not in a cage, but laughing at you!