Famous last words. Twin towers: “is it a bird, is it superman, AAAAAHHHHHH SHHHHHIIIIIIIIIZZ”
Why didn't superman save the twin towers?......because he's a quadriplegic
Whats the Twin Towers most favourite band? Al Qaedirection.
What do the Twin towers and Murder victims have in common?
Both were owned by their own kind
I asked someone why they were crying. They told me that they had to abort there twins. Then someone yelled "DAMN DOUBLE HOMICIDE!"
Whats. The best thing about 9/11 jokes...
They make you collapse with laughter
Because the twin towers collapsed.
The Twin towers ordered dominos what did they get instead
I was at the beach today, and there was a big wave. Somebody went, damn that crashed harder than the twin towers. Jack may have survived the towers, but not the crash
what don't Rick astley and the twin towers have in common? One wont let you down while the other will.
What happens when you work in the twin towers. It connects to airplane wifi
What’s the difference between my mom and the twin towers my mom got hit by two cars the twin towers got hit by two planes
You know the twin towers employees were supposed to meet a good football team instead they just met the jets.
why were the twin towers sad
they ordered dominos and got jets
Kid: “What happened to dad?” Mom: “he flew into the twin towers.”
Why where the peopel in twin towers mad that wonted a drive frow pepperoni pizza but got a fly frow plan in sted
How are genders and twin towers alike? There used to be 2 but now it's a sensitive topic.
Why are the twin towers mad?
They ordered pepperoni pizza but all they got was plain.
Read the name
Joke: it felt good going through those twin towers