Twin Towers

Twin Towers Jokes

i shouted at a kid I told him to get his parents

it was the last time I worked at an orphanage ,đŸ¤£

A America bully goes up to a English kid and says "your ugly" and the English kid says "well wanna know why you can't play Jenga?" "Why" says the bully "beacuse you haven't got a tower.

Every body knows the joke why was 6 afraid of 7 because seven ate nine but why was 10 scared... because he was wright in the middle of 9 11

everyone knows why 6 is scared of 7 cuz 7 8 9 but why does 10 have ptsd

cuz it’s between 9/11

It's horrible to make jokes about 9/11 but it's not funny when I found out my mates mum jumped from the 21st floor

guy1:hey can you stop making 9 11 jokes my dad died during it guy2:sorry i will stop what was your dad guy1:the pilot he saw a kfc and wanted it so well you know

Arab rizz Are u a tower cause I wanna blow u up and don't let's your friend know about this Rashid I told u not to blow it up I had it

The greatest Arab pilot, my grandfather