
Donald Trump Jokes

1.Your face is so ugly i thought it was deformed it probably was anyways 2.even if donald trump had time to build a wall it was probably so you won't squish us with you fatass. if someone says your face is deformed just say thats what happens when i look at you. welcome

There is a new kind of jock strap, it only holds one nut. It is called a trump supporter.


I was asking people who knew trump if he would win a second term . Stormy said " no way, he doesn't have 2 in him!"

FRIEND no so much " Hey wan to come to my house ?" sended lonly ORPHAN/ trump " want to come to my orphaige? sended

FRIEND not so much " dude im blocking you!" sended

Lonly orphan " :( sended

if trump was a orphan I know he would know not to build a wall because he was in one most of his life

Trump's cabinet are like panties. Some crawl up your butt, some snap under pressure, & some actually cover your butt when you need them..

Americans won't have a Thanksgiving Dinner this year. Why not? They sent their turkey to the White House.


A man goes into heaven and there he meets jesus. He asks Jesus what that broken clock is there for. Jesus says "that is mother teresa's clock it has never moved because she has never lied". "There is Abraham Lincolns clock. He has .lied twice so it has moved twice." "Where is Donald Trump's?" Ask's the man. Jesus answers "it is in my office, I am using it as a ceiling fan."

Why won't Trump be subject to impeachment? Answer: Because Republicans in Congress insist that every baby be brought to full term!

What do you call the only Trump Supporter to follow his orders to obstruct justice? Answer: Attorney General William Barr!

Trump's medical records were just released. According to the brain scan, the left side of his brain has nothing right, while the right side has nothing left.