What’s yellow and can’t swim?
A school bus full of children.
What’s yellow and can’t swim?
A school bus full of children.
What do you call it if you find an old organ keyboard on the side of the road?
Organ harvesting.
"Water exists."
Airport security: "What the fuck did you just say?"
I can’t take credit for this joke; it’s not mine.
Remember that time Joe Biden fell off his bike? He said it’s not his fault. He blamed the tires for being too inflated.
Your mother is responsible for all the train drivers that are never ever late. She taught them all to pull out on time.
Why does Zac say he works at McDonald's? Because Aaron go errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
I lost my job by giving up my seat to someone.
I didn't know you're not supposed to do that if you're a bus driver!
Gays are always welcome on my Redneck Party Bus. NOT!
The potholes so big in Oklahoma Can make a whole garden.
Roads be so rough in Oklahoma, I saw a high lifted truck get ended riding lower than a Hot Wheels car.
Why is my plane delayed?
Because someone hit the Sears Tower.
Why do the brakes keep squealing?
Because the driver hit it too hard.